Almost 15% of textile waste originates from the excess fabric pieces which are thrown away during clothes production.
Olivia Bolt
By 2050 municipal solid waste generation is projected to reach 3.8 billion tonnes which could aggravate environmental issues.
Several DAC plants have been introduced for safe CO2 removal and every year they capture around 0.01 Mt CO2.
A house loses 30% of its heat if its windows lack energy efficient attachments.
Solar power provides a clean source of energy whereas traditional electric utility is extracted from fossil fuels which emits greenhouse gases.
On average, per person uses 82 gallons of water per day.
Solar panels can operate without making noise but wind turbines are loud.
It typically ranges from $18,660 to $53,800 but fluctuates based on the panels and market conditions.
The solar panel should be such that it provides 1.5 to 2 times the battery’s capacity in watts.
Solar panel dimensions and power output are important for efficient energy systems.
It is the energy captured from the motion of sea or ocean waves.
Oceanic waves can also produce at least 1,100 TWh of energy per year.