Sustainable and growing urban food systems are important for any nation as development occurs when small things are taken into account. Also, the system is not limited to just food and agriculture, it has wider varieties such as resources, climate, water, etc. as it promotes community health.

What is the Urban Food System?

The urban food system can be defined as the distribution of water, energy, and food designed from the social, economic, and technical points of view. We hope this answers your query, which is: what is the urban food system?

What Impact Does Urbanization Have on Food?

Here is a list of what impact does urbanization have on food: –

  • The demand for food in urban areas is increasing due to the increase in population in the cities.
  • Cities have packed food which has become very attractive and convenient for citizens and is gaining a trend in cities.
  • Urbanization has a lot of impact on food as many villagers migrate to cities in search of better employment and living, so they shift their eating habits to a new style which also has a negative impact sometimes.
  • Urbanization negatively affects agriculture as people prioritize living in cities for employment opportunities, instead of residing in villages and practicing agriculture.
  • Modern food system shows that there is lower demand for cereals in the cities but higher demand for fruits, vegetables, meat, and dairy products.
  • Rural areas produce 50% of their own food, while cities rely on the market, leading to different health qualities.
  • There is a high demand for fast food in urban areas compared to rural areas. Many people also say that women working in developed cities have given rise to the popularity of packed and fast food as they lack time for food preparation.
  • Urban people consume more sugar, tea, and coffee while rural people are healthier as they consume more vegetables and cereals.

Eating habits and lifestyles of both rural and urban areas are completely different because of their geographic location. Therefore, citizens moving to urban areas are lacking calories in their food. With the passage of time, people will accept more Western food habits as they are in trend, convenient, less time-consuming, and appear to be cool for the new generation.

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Olivia is committed to green energy and works to help ensure our planet's long-term habitability. She takes part in environmental conservation by recycling and avoiding single-use plastic.

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