The performance ratio is a measure of how efficiently a solar power plant is operating. It represents the percentage relationship between the actual energy output of the plant and the maximum energy it could potentially produce. It takes into account losses due to factors like heat and conduction. A higher performance ratio indicates more efficient operation, but achieving 100% is not possible due to unavoidable losses. High-performance solar plants can reach a performance ratio of up to 80%. Learning all this is important to know how to calculate the PV performance ratio.

What is the Purpose of the Performance Ratio?

The performance ratio helps assess the energy efficiency and reliability of a solar power plant. It allows for comparisons with other plants and provides a way to monitor the plant’s performance over time. Regularly measuring the performance ratio can identify deviations from the expected value, indicating potential issues in the plant’s operation.

How to Calculate PV Performance Ratio

To calculate the performance ratio of your PV plant, follow these steps:

1. Gather the required variables:

  • Solar irradiation values for your PV plant’s location
  • The modular area factor of your PV plant.
  • The relative efficiency of your PV modules can be found in the PV module’s datasheet.

2. Ensure proper measurement alignment:

If using a measuring device, make sure the PV modules and the measuring gauge have the same orientation, receive the same solar irradiation, and experience similar temperatures.

3. Determine the analysis period:

  • The recommended analysis period is 1 year, but you can choose shorter periods for direct comparisons with other PV plants.
  • Select a minimum analysis period of 1 month to mitigate the influence of factors like low solar elevations, low temperatures, and shadows on the calculation.

4. Manual calculation of the performance ratio (PR):

Use the following simplified formula: PR = Actual reading of plant output in kWh p.a. /Calculated, nominal plant output in kWh p.a.

What are Some Important Factors in PV Performance?

The factors are as follows-

1. Temperature: Higher temperatures negatively impact solar panel efficiency. The Nominal module operating temperature (NMOT) compares outdoor power generation, with a typical efficiency loss of 0.5%/°C above 25°C.

2. Soiling: Accumulated material on PV panel surfaces can block light, reducing power generation. Dust deposition decreases light transmittance and causes uneven light distribution, with clean modules producing at least 5% more power than dusty ones.

3. Shading: Objects like trees and buildings obstruct irradiance, affecting power output.

4. Mismatch: Manufacturing variations lead to different electrical characteristics among modules, resulting in performance losses.

5. Inverter Efficiency: DC to AC conversion via inverters is typically around 96-97% efficient, with higher efficiency at high DC input power. Efficiency decreases significantly when input power is much lower than the inverter’s rated power.

6. Age: Solar panels produce less energy as they age, with an assumed decrease in performance of around 0.5% per year.

Other factors that impact energy production include system design and installation (tilt, orientation, stringing configuration, etc.) and battery efficiency.

Must Read: What is a Solar Power Conditioning Unit (PCU)?


Elliot is a passionate environmentalist and blogger who has dedicated his life to spreading awareness about conservation, green energy, and renewable energy. With a background in environmental science, he has a deep understanding of the issues facing our planet and is committed to educating others on how they can make a difference.

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