Despite growing awareness about the extreme climatic impact of PPC, the petrochemical industry is growing. Communities of color and low-income communities are exposed to harmful chemicals the most. Most of us consider plastic to be the reason behind environmental degradation but petrochemicals and plastics adversely affect climate, and the damage is increasing rapidly. Yes, the plastic industry is on the rise as petrochemical companies shift fossil feedstocks to be used in plastic manufacturing.

Petrochemicals and Plastics Adversely Affect Climate: How and Why?

Petrochemicals is the category of oil refining that includes plastic. This branch now accounts for 14% of oil use and it is expected to account for half of the oil demand by 2050.

Fact: Plastic production, despite all efforts to transition towards a zero-plastic future, will double in the next 20 years, according to the World Economic Forum.

Just like plastics, petrochemicals are also a threat to our climate, wildlife, oceans, and human health. Their manufacturing process releases toxins causing cancer and other severe illnesses. As for social problems, these materials affect the poor and most vulnerable people in the community.

petrochemicals and plastics adversely affect climate

Highlights: Plastic Production Causing Climatic Crisis

  • Globally, it has become difficult to keep the temperature rise below 1.5° C.
  • In 2015, plastic production resulted in 1.96 Gt of CO2 emission that cost around $341 billion annually.
  • About 13% of the entire remaining carbon budget will be from plastic by 2050.
  • According to the OECD, greenhouse gas emissions from plastic will increase to 4.3 Gt CO2e, without a plastic cap.
  • Ocean plastic may also interfere with oceans’ capacity to absorb and sequester carbon dioxide.
  • Mountains and oceans are particularly vulnerable to both plastic pollution and climate change.
Different sources affected by pollution and emission
Pic Credits: Science Direct

Cross-Reference: Plastics and Climate Change

Plastic’s ongoing impact on landscape, waterways, and oceans.

  • The report by the Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL) highlights the major sources of GHG emissions, sources of uncounted emissions, and uncertainties that could lead to plastic’s climate impact.
  • Data from future growth rates and downstream emissions that have not been accounted for previously were used.
  • In 2019, plastic production and incineration added more than 850 million metric tons of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.

Will we win the war between planet vs. plastics by Earth Day 2040?

Center for Environmental Health (CEH)

In 2022, CEH launched a new program focusing on Petrochemicals, Plastics & Climate (PPC).

CEH’s new program focuses on turning off petrochemicals and plastics, thus, blocking harmful waste management practices, and threatening our climate and health.

Cut Down Chemical Recycling

Plastic is recyclable; it is the most popular myth that recycling companies are telling the world when they are recycling only a little fraction of it.

Fact: According to an EPA estimate, less than 9% of total plastic waste is recycled annually in the USA.

Moreover, petrochemicals and plastics adversely affect climate as petrochemical recycling involves the process of chemical recycling, which is nothing more than a dangerous plastic incineration practice. This releases more harmful gases than reducing the petrochemical waste.

As per an analysis by the National Resources Defense Council (NRDC), out of the 8 chemical recycling facilities assessed, most of them were not recycling any plastics. Rather, they were generating huge amounts of hazardous waste and releasing dangerous air pollutants. Moreover, these industries are often in communities of color or low-income communities, further damaging their lifestyle and health.

Fact: Chemical recycling incinerators are worse than conventional incinerators, in terms of toxic pollution.

Annual plastic pollution by 2050 - petrochemicals and plastics adversely affect climate


When a company or similar entity misleads the public to believe that they are doing more to protect the environment than they are, it is termed as greenwashing. It promotes false solutions to climate crises to distract and delay reliable actions. This is what petrochemical, and plastic industries are doing with chemical recycling.


Plastic and Climate: The Hidden Costs

By 2030, emissions from plastic pollution could reach 1.34 gigatons per year. It is equal to the emission released by 295 new (500 MW) coal power plants.

By 2050, if plastic production continues to grow, GHG emissions will reach over 56 gigatons and carbon emissions will be 2.8 gigatons. It will be 10% to 13% of the total carbon budget.

The impact could be as high as 15% as by the year 2100, cumulative carbon emissions from plastic will reach nearly 260 gigatons or over half of the carbon budget.

Future GHG emission from incineration

Find out what are the 15 problems with recycling plastic and solutions for recycling.

Plastic Begins as a Fossil Fuel

Yes, it is true for all plastic pieces, and as a matter of fact, GHG gases are emitted at each stage of the lifecycle of plastic.

  • Fossil fuel extraction and transport
  • Managing plastic waste
  • Plastic refining and manufacture

Extraction and Transport

  • In 2015, in the United States, fossil fuel emissions during extraction and transport were around 9.5 to 10.5 million metric tons of CO2 equivalents (CO2e) per year.
  • In countries where oil is primarily used for plastic production, it leads to 108 million metric tons of CO2e per year.
Emission from petroleum extraction

Refining and Manufacture

  • In 2015, around 28 ethylene facilities in the United States produced 53 million metric tons of CO2e. It is equal to the emissions from 3.8 million passenger vehicles.
  • Global emissions in 2015 for producing ethylene were 184.3 to 213.0 million metric tons of CO2e.
  • A new Shell ethane cracker constructed in Pennsylvania and at ExxonMobil in Baytown, Texas’ combined emission is estimated to equal to adding 800,000 new cars to the road.
  • However, it is the figure from only 2 among the 300 other new and expanded petrochemical projects built in the US alone.
Emission from US gulf coast - petrochemicals plant and plastics adversely affect climate

Waste Management

  • In the US alone, 5.9 million metric tons of CO2e were recorded in 2015 from plastic incineration.
  • Plastic packaging, representing 40% of plastic demand, accounted for more than 16 million metric tons of CO2e in 2015.
  • 32% of plastic packaging waste remained unmanaged, leading to the open burning of plastics.
Net GHG emission from MSW and source reduction

Plastic in the Environment: The Unmanaged Problem

  • With current estimates addressing only 1% of plastic on the ocean surface, researchers still need to consider 99% of plastic lying below Earth’s surface.
  • Around 20% to 40% of all anthropogenic carbon emission since the industrial era has been absorbed by the oceans.
  • Microplastics contaminate plankton, reducing their ability to fix carbon through photosynthesis.
  • The metabolic rate, survival, and reproductive success of zooplankton are affected by plastic pollution. This is interfering with the world’s largest natural carbon sink.

Actions to Mitigate Climate Impact from Plastic Pollution

High-priority actions are required that would reduce GHG emissions that have positive outcomes for social or environmental goals. Some of them as highlighted by research and studies are as follows:

  • Completely end the production and use of single-use and disposable plastic
  • No development of new petrochemical, gas, and oil infrastructures
  • Increase transition to zero-waste communities
  • Integration of extended producer responsibility as an important element of circular economy
  • Stop the production of bio-based, or bioplastic, or biodegradable plastic, as they are not the solution but increase the problem.
  • Enforcing ambitious targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from all sectors, including plastic production.

Cross-Reference: The Hidden Costs of a Plastic Planet

To effectively address the climate impacts by petrochemicals and plastics, it is important to take up accurate solutions. Policymakers, global grassroots movements, and philanthropic funders should urgently take necessary actions.


Olivia is committed to green energy and works to help ensure our planet's long-term habitability. She takes part in environmental conservation by recycling and avoiding single-use plastic.

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