The Paris Agreement of 2015 has made it quite clear how climate change is affecting our lives. Although climate change is referred to as an environmental problem it is more accurately a social issue that needs to be addressed. Another thing that is alarming right now is the speed of population growth and urbanization. For a green and better future, there is a need to develop green cities and mindsets. In this article, you will learn about The Key to Green Cities and Mindsets: Densification, eco-friendly practices, etc.
What is Urban Densification?
The way to make cities a part of the solution to climate change is to encourage Urban densification. It means increasing the number of dwelling units and mixed-use spaces per acre. It increases conservation and efficiency. Urban densification makes a city more environmentally friendly and sustainable. Cities can efficiently deliver electricity, water, and other municipal services to more people by being more organized and filling vacant lots with shared spaces. Moreover, urban densification provides all these things to the people by using less energy and fewer resources. Due to the following reasons, it is said that the key to green cities and mindset densification. After this, let’s see how is green infrastructure in cities undergoing densification.
What is Green Infrastructure? How is Green Infrastructure in Cities Undergoing Densification?
After learning about The Key to Green Cities and Mindsets: Densification, let’s learn how is green infrastructure in cities undergoing densification. There is immense importance of green infrastructure in cities given how impermeable and dense cities tend to be. Green infrastructure covers everything from green roofs of bioswales to parks, street trees, etc in the urban environment. This infrastructure involves anything that helps delay, absorb, and treat stormwater. It mitigates flood and pollution downstream. It also creates wildlife habitat, and oxygen, and sequesters carbon.
Also Read: Smart Cities 2.0: What Works Today – Energy Theory
What are Some Eco-Friendly Practices?
To make the world and cities greener, as a citizen you should follow these eco-friendly practices-
1. Recycle
By recycling, you can reduce pollution, save energy, and conserve the natural resource. The process of recycling involves cleaning up trash and sorting it to produce secondary materials. These secondary materials are mainly paper, metal, glass, and plastic, and these materials are further reused in products.
2. Avoid Plastic Bag
Plastic bags pose a great threat to your environment, they take hundreds of years to decompose. These bags are particularly a threat to wildlife, hundreds or thousands of marine mammals die every year because of mistaking plastic bags laced with chemicals as their food. Additionally, many mammals suffocate to death after being entangled with plastic bags. To avoid this, you should decline plastic bags while purchasing things and you should use your own sustainable bags to carry your things.
3. Only Buy Things You Use
Most people have the wasteful habit of accumulating and purchasing things that they don’t even need. Your excessive personal consumption of goods is harmful to the environment directly and indirectly. These things cause pollution. Don’t buy on impulse and instead be a sustainable buyer.
4. Buy Second Hand
While buying things, also consider going for second-hand things. You can find particularly durable foods from online websites like eBay and Craigslist or you can also go for garage sales. Second-hand goods are just as functional and attractive as new things. These save your wallet and also the environment. Moreover, this also helps in cutting off your carbon footprint.
5. Avoid Disposable Products
About 20% of America’s waste stream is made up of disposable products like disposable paper, plastic plates, diapers, plasticware, utensils, and other non-durable goods. The manufacturing and disposal of these products result in greenhouse gas emissions. Try to avoid these disposable products and instead go for things like cloth diapers, cloth napkins, sloth rags, rechargeable batteries, refillable coffee thermoses, durable razors, etc.