Hydropower utilizes the kinetic energy of flowing water, such as rivers or ocean currents, through the use of turbines and generators. It has a long history as a mechanical power source and has become a significant contributor to global electricity production. In this post, we will learn if hydropower is renewable and how it works.
Is Hydropower Renewable?
Of course, it is renewable because electricity production depends on water flow which can be adjusted. Moreover, there is hardly any wastage of natural resources.
How does Hydroelectric Energy Work? How Hydropower Works?

Hydroelectric energy works by generating kilowatts of electricity per second. It works on the gravitational force of the water which depends on its flow. As per a rough assumption, one gallon of water falling from 100 feet is capable of generating 1 kilowatt of electricity.
Moreover, hydropower plants utilize water-driven turbines to produce electricity for powering homes, businesses, and industries. Furthermore, it can be used to pump and distribute water for domestic, agricultural, and industrial purposes.
Also See: What is Run-of-River Hydroelectric Plant?
How is Hydroelectricity Produced Step by Step?
Step 1: A large dam is built to stop the course of the moving water source and use that force to generate electricity. Some of these power plants are located near rivers, streams, and canals but still, dams are built to provide a reliable water supply.
Step 2: Large amounts of water are filled in the reservoirs. It is also termed as head. The purpose is to release the stored water as and when power is generated.
Step 3: Generators are placed at the lower elevation of the dam that are connected with a turbine. It is placed at a certain length within the water.
Step 4: Water is released from the reservoir at higher elevation, and it rushes downwards at high speed. This moving water moves through pipes and hits the turbines like wind touches the blades of a windmill. As the wire coils sweep past the stator (stationary coil) of the generator, electricity is produced. It happens when the magnets within the copper coils rotate at a specific speed for a defined period.
Step 5: With a vast network of transmission lines and facilities, electricity is transferred to residential and commercial areas. Electricity from power plants first passes through the transformer that raises the voltage so that it can travel through power lines for long distances.
Step 6: Local substation transformers reduce the voltage, and then it is divided and directed throughout the area.
Step 7: Pole transformers reduce the power to the right voltage that is required to run the home appliances.
Cross-reference: Hydropower Energy Basics
How Hydropower is Used?
It has a wide array of practical applications in various sectors, including electricity generation, water supply, flood control, environmental conservation, recreation, industrial processes, transportation, emergency power, rural electrification, and water treatment.
One of the primary advantages of hydropower is that it does not release greenhouse gases or air pollutants during operation. Additionally, water power is reliable, as water can be stored in reservoirs and released as needed to ensure a consistent power supply. This energy can also be applied in various settings, from small-scale systems for remote communities to large-scale installations for powering cities.
However, it is crucial to carefully consider and manage the potential environmental and social impacts associated with hydropower. The construction of dams and reservoirs can have adverse effects on ecosystems, disrupt fish migration patterns, and result in the displacement of human populations. Therefore, responsible assessment and management of these impacts are necessary for the sustainable development of hydroelectric power.
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How Hydroelectric Energy is Used?
The kinetic energy of hydroelectric energy is used to power the hydropower plants. With hydroelectric plants, it is possible to generate immediate power for the grid. Such power serves as a great backup during electricity shortages and outages. Hydroelectric energy is used to supply power to the residential and commercial areas. Similar to hydroelectric energy, it has many benefits and is also used as a green and renewable source of energy to reduce negative impacts on the environment.
Ultimately, this water power plays a critical role in regulating water levels and mitigating floods by managing water flow. With zero harmful emissions, this power is recognized as a clean energy option. It also promotes tourism and creates economic opportunities. Additionally, it can serve as emergency power during outages or disasters. In summary, it offers a wide range of uses and benefits, contributing to sustainable development and environmental conservation.
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