The tandem junction is a technique used to boost the performance of thin film modules. The use of tandem-junction cell architectures offers an exciting opportunity to significantly improve module efficiencies compared to single-junction designs. This is due to their remarkable ability to divide the solar spectrum into multiple bands, which can then be converted with higher efficiency by separate devices.

This breakthrough allows it to exceed the limited efficiency of single-junction Si solar cells (~29%), which have almost reached their theoretical maximum. In addition, these tandem modules with higher efficiency could potentially revolutionize low-concentration PV installations, making them more viable when equipped with single-axis tracking technology.

Features of Tandem Junction Solar Cell

A tandem solar cell, also known as a double junction solar cell, incorporates materials with different bandgaps superimposed on one another to create two distinct regions for light absorption. In contrast, a single junction solar cell contains just one absorbing region and operates with a single bandgap.

Multiple junction solar cells, such as double, triple, or quadruple junction cells, have been around for some time. The current holder of the world record for the most efficient solar cell is a four-junction solar cell, boasting remarkable power conversion efficiency (PCE) of 46%.

It’s worth noting that this achieves an impressive 20% higher efficiency than the Shockley Queisser limit of 29% PCE! The reason for this is that the limit was calculated based on a single junction cell. The limit that applies to single junction cells does not hold back tandem cells.

Also See: A New World Record with Highest Efficiency Tandem Solar Cells by HZB

Difference between Single Junction Cell and Tandem Solar Cell

A single junction cell is capable of converting a significant amount of photons into usable energy. This type of solar cell has a low bandgap, which allows it to absorb all photons effectively. However, higher-energy photons experience thermalization and lose a considerable portion of their energy due to the low bandgap. A wide-bandgap solar cell works similarly, capturing more energy from high-energy photons while allowing lower-energy photons to pass through.

A tandem solar cell has the ability to generate higher conversion efficiency than its single junction counterpart, even though it utilizes the same solar spectrum.

Also See: What is Thin Film Photovoltaic Module?


Elliot is a passionate environmentalist and blogger who has dedicated his life to spreading awareness about conservation, green energy, and renewable energy. With a background in environmental science, he has a deep understanding of the issues facing our planet and is committed to educating others on how they can make a difference.

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