With increasing pollution and electricity price hikes, adopting solar panel systems is becoming more common now. But, what are the things you should consider before installing one? This blog will list what questions to ask about solar energy and their relevant answers too.

What Questions to Ask about Solar Energy before Getting Panels?

Before getting solar panels, you need to ask these questions to clear things up.

1. Can Your Roof Support a Solar Panel System?

The first thing you can ask before installing panels is if your roof is strong enough to support them. Your roof material also matters because every material does not work out well for solar panels. Get your inspection to see if it is worn out or needs to be repaired. The panels weigh differently depending on their type and size. Questions you need to ask yourself are:

  • What is the structural support of the roof?
  • How old is your roof?
  • What are the weight recommendations per square foot?

Overall, the final weight of the panels and the capability of your roof will be assessed by the installer. As per that, the process will be carried forward.

You can also take a look at the Common Problems With Solar Panels On Roofs

2. Do You Need a License for Solar Panel Installation?

Installing PV panels in some areas may require licensing. This may not be applicable everywhere, but in California, you need a C-46 license for installing and repairing solar panels. Therefore, it is recommended to choose a legitimate solar company for the process.

3. Do You Need Solar Backup?

On cloudy days or during winter when the intensity and sun hours are less, how will the panel work? This is a matter of concern, which is why you need backup. A solar battery is beneficial because it stores up generated power and proves to be a reliable source of energy on such days. This is one of the first questions to ask about solar energy.

4. How Long Will the Solar Panel Last?

Proper maintenance, regular checkups, and cleaning make PV panels last for about 20 years and a max of 50 years. But during their lifespan, a product and power warranty works like insurance that can save huge repair costs.

5. How Many Solar Panels Do You Need?

Though available space is the first concern in this context, other external factors determine the number of panels you need: your location, climate, and sunlight hours. These factors affect the efficiency of panels and vary with geography. Living in a state with fewer sunlight hours you will need more efficient panels.

The number of panels also depends on the energy requirements of your house and the amount you wish to invest in the power system.

6. How Much Can You Save With Solar Power?

Installing solar panels is expensive and this is something that needs to be considered primarily. The rough cost of panels is around USD $6k to 12k but with this monthly savings on utility bills can be up to 62%.

With federal tax credits, there can be a reduction in installation costs of up to 26%.

Cross-reference: Homeowner’s Guide to the Federal Tax Credit for Solar Photovoltaics

7. How Often Do Solar Panels Need to be Cleaned?

Performance and efficiency decrease with dirty panels. You can schedule the cleaning every 6 months. You can use soap and water for cleaning.

8. Is Solar Energy the Right Choice for Your House?

Before installing solar panels, you need to ensure whether it is the right choice for your house. Depending on the following factors, you can decide.

  • Amount of sunlight received by your roof: With tall trees and low roofs solar panels may not get a sufficient amount of sunlight to generate enough power.
  • The direction your roof faces: A south-facing roof is best because panels will get maximum solar power. East, west, and north-facing roofs are also suitable. The only difference here will be the number of panels required to adjust the efficiency of the system.
  • Cost of electricity in your area: It varies from region to region because in some places electricity costs are higher than in other places. Thus, panel installation in these regions results in huge savings in the long run.

9. What are the Benefits of Switching to Solar Power?

Well, it is greatly beneficial because you will reduce your share of the polluting environment by reducing your carbon footprint. Plus, there is a minimum maintenance cost and effort required.

10. What Will be the Output from Solar Panels?

Before installation, you need to know what the average output of solar panels is, and what should you expect. You can compare the energy requirements with the expected output to ensure it is enough. Choose a reputable and reliable solar company for the same as they will guide you better.

Now, let’s see what to ask a solar company when buying panels.

Which Questions to Ask a Solar Company About Solar Energy?

solar panels pic: questions to ask a solar company

Before getting your hands on solar power systems, you need to understand what are you looking for.

1. Can Solar Power Be Stored?

Yes, with a battery backup, you can store generated electricity that can be used afterward mostly at night or during blackouts. Inverters also communicate with the electricity grid to keep the energy supply in sync.

2. Can Solar Power Charge an Electric Car?

Yes, you simply need to plug it into the outlet. You charge it during the day as the power supply will be direct while at night it will use battery backup.

Check out How many Solar Panels to Charge an Electric Car?

3. Can Solar Energy Reach Grid Parity?

Well, it depends on the utility sector and your location. In this context, grid parity means the cost of solar power-resourced electricity is cheaper than the utility grid.

4. Can Solar Power My Whole House?

Yes. Depending on the size and efficiency of the panel’s system, you can easily power your household appliances such as AC, water heater, etc.

5. Do Solar Panels Need Cleaning?

PV panels are aligned at an angle, so water and snow slip off the surface. So, a good cleaning is recommended every 6 months to 1 year. This keeps your panels free from dust, debris, snow, water patches, animal droppings, and other external factors.

For more details, take a look at the Benefits of Cleaning Solar Panels.

6. Will My House Value be Increased With Solar Panels?

Yes, everyone wants to lower electricity bills and houses with solar power systems are a good deal.

7. What Does Solar Power Cost and How Does it Saves Money?

With solar power systems, there is less dependency on local utility units. On average, installing solar power systems can cost between a few hundred to thousands of dollars. But this depends on the type of PV panels, their efficiency levels, and the extra components installed.

You can also make money from feed-in tariff scheme. Your utility provider will pay you for the extra electricity fed into the grid.

8. Will Solar Power Work After an EMP?

An electromagnetic pulse (EMP) is a pulse of energy creating a powerful electromagnetic field that can cause short circuits in a number of electromagnetic equipment like computers, radios, satellites, and other similar devices. Up till now, there is not a single reported case where an EMP blast happened in a solar power system. However, as an exception, if this happens the entire system will be down.

9. What are Solar Power Cells and How They Work at Night?

Small rectangular or square-shaped black and blue pieces together form PV panels. They are of three types: monocrystalline, polycrystalline, and thin film with different efficiency and appearances. These cells are joined with strings and work as absorbers and converters of solar power.

Most appropriately, solar power works during the daytime when sunlight is absorbed by solar cells and converted into electrical energy. After sunset, the energy stored in batteries is used to power the appliances.

10. Which Solar Power Company is the Best?

A certified solar power company will give the following services-

  • Quality installation
  • Simple process and solar portal
  • Guidance regarding incentives and tax rebates

If you are from Tyler, TX, check out the Best Electric Companies.

11. Why is Solar Power Not Widely Used?

The major reason behind solar power not being used widely is huge installation costs. Lack of basic knowledge, a misconception regarding production, and such questions to which people cannot find reliable answers.

Developed countries are already shifting to solar power resources for energy production and soon it will take over at industrial, commercial, and residential levels.

12. Are Solar Power Systems Really Worth It?

Yes, it may be an expensive choice but at the same time, solar power is a sustainable one too. It is not short-lived, and you will benefit more than you invested in the coming 20 years or more. The payback period of solar power systems depends on the type of panels used, but it is surely a long-time investment.

13. Why is Solar Power the Best Energy Source?

Because it is renewable and requires the least maintenance. It also reduces dependency on fossil fuel-generated electricity. Plus, it helps in reducing your carbon footprint.

14. Will Solar Power Get Cheaper?

Initially, solar power systems were more expensive than they are today. Hopefully, with advanced technologies and lower production costs in the future, it will get cheaper.

Also, check out How Much Do Ground Mounted Solar Panels Cost?

15. Will there be Power Generation on Cloudy Days?

Yes, there will be optimum power generation even on cloudy days. 

16. Does Roof Orientation Matter?

Yes, roof orientation does matter to direct more sunlight on PV panels. The panels on south-facing walls get the most sunlight throughout the day.

What to Look for When Buying Solar Panels?

what i wish i knew before going solar

To make sure you do not regret purchasing PV panels, here are some basics you should be aware of.

1. Durability: Solar panels are usually durable enough to withstand harsh weather conditions and other external factors. Usually, you get a 25 year product warranty, and the years of power warranty may vary.

2. Energy Efficiency: It is the percentage of solar energy converted by PV panels. Average energy efficiency should range between 15% and 25% and it is one of the essential questions to ask a solar company.

3. Panel Cost: It is obviously the first thing everyone considers before going solar. Wattage, quality of materials, durability (warranty period), physical dimensions, and certifications impact the costs of PV panels.

4. Panel Quality: It determines the quality of materials used in manufacturing PV panels and their components. In this context, look out for reliable reviews from their present customers and do online research to ensure the company is providing what it promises in terms of quality.

5. Panel and Wattage Size: A solar panel system must be large enough to supply enough power for your appliances. The physical size of panels varies depending on the wattage required. For an average household, a 4-kilowatt system is sufficient.

6. Temperature Coefficient: The efficiency of solar panels is affected by heat energy from the sun. After a certain degree of temperature, efficiency decreases with every 1° Celsius rise in temperature, resulting in less output. You need to make sure that the percentage level is between -0.3% / °C to -0.5% / °C.

7. Type of Solar Cell: There are basically 4 types of solar panels based on their building material. They are mono-crystalline, poly-crystalline, thin-film and mono-perc panels. So, you must look for the type that suits your power needs when buying solar panels.

Must Read: 15 Red Flags to Identify Solar Panel Companies To Avoid 

What I Wish I Knew Before Going Solar?

solar panels

Which questions to ask before going solar and what probable answers to expect are all mentioned below.

1. How to Know Which Company to Trust?

While looking for a solar installation company, look out for the price, then select the one that is beneficial, and their deal meets your requirements. Companies provide advice along with financing options, thus maintaining positive and smooth relations with the dealer.

2. Who Will be the Installer?

Installing PV panel systems requires skilled and licensed technicians. Therefore, maintain proper communication with the contractors to learn and familiarize them with the details and process of installation before the process starts.

3. Could You Expand the System in Future?

For this, you need to make sure before going solar whether there is a possibility of further expansion. The space on your roof is an important parameter because without enough space you cannot add more panels

4. How Much Power Do You Need?

Look at your electricity bill and calculate the average monthly amount that you are spending. Discuss with the solar power installer about present electricity consumption, and adjustments to be made for the future, if needed.

5. How Long Will Installation Take?

Usually, the installation process takes 1 to 3 days for an average roof size and about 1 day for smaller houses. However, it may take a week or two for industrial installation as a large area needs to be covered.

6. What Would be the Potential Return on Your Investment?

Your investment is going to be paid back in the form of the sums of money saved from utility bills. Over the course of 5 years, the system usually pays for itself and after that period, savings are purely your profit. Also, the feed-in tariff amount received from utility company is an additional revenue.

7. Are Tax Incentives Available?

Yes, state and federal governments offer tax incentives up to a certain percentage of the total cost. This brings down the average installation cost.

8. Should You Maintain a Grid Connection or Go 100% Off-Grid?

This is a mutual decision made by you and your installer considering your electricity needs, ground capacity, and rooftop. For most people, it’s quite possible to go 100% off-grid with battery storage and adequate amounts of solar panels.

Cross-reference: Want to Go Off-Grid? Don’t Buy a Big House.

So today you got a whole long list of questions and their possible answers regarding solar energy. Now, you can decide if you are ready for this long term solar investment. To explore more informative content, keep reading our blog posts.


Olivia is committed to green energy and works to help ensure our planet's long-term habitability. She takes part in environmental conservation by recycling and avoiding single-use plastic.

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