You know cities cannot do much work without nations so let’s see why cities still need nations after so much development. The need of nations is as follows:
- The nation provides important and major goods to the cities without which they can not function properly or face difficulty in functioning without it.
- Nation acts as an encouragement for the cities in transferring the learning and the policies.
- There are many problems that cities can not solve themselves, so it requires the nation to understand better and solve the required issues.
- Nations are also required to provide financial and institutional support as cities alone can fulfil the requirement.
- Nations work on global security with the local leader and policymakers to understand the problems faced at common levels and to eliminate or reduce the problems
Factors influencing city site and growth examples
Factors that influenced the site and growth of cities are as follows:
1. Commercialization: Modern and fashionable life has attracted a lot of people towards it. Cities also provide more trade and commerce compared to villages thus providing more opportunities.
2. Industrialization: Cities have led to the growth in new technologies and industries, thus creating new job facilities in cities and attracting people towards it.
3. Investment and Mining: Cities offer many areas for mining, thus attract many inverters to invest in those areas.
4. Migration: The increase in population is also due to migration as people come and settle in cities in search of better jobs, education, and health facilities, thus leading to the growth of the cities. Take a look at these five ways cities benefit from migration.
5. Population: The major problem of the city is the increasing rate of its population. This is mainly happening in areas where the death rate is lower than the birth rate and as people get married they start to search for new places for settlement in urban areas, leading to an increase in population in certain areas.
6. Transportation: Cities provide a more easy way for transportation to nearby work areas or schools. They also offer better ways for communication.
The cities are said to be jewels of the nation, so they are required to be treated as such and fulfil all the requirements. It reflects the quality of the nation to the outer world. They are a major part of any nation and act as a major role in its development that’s why cities still need nations.