There are continuous researches on how to control the emission and capture CO2 from atmosphere. But we need a strong material that can keep these stored matter intact for long without degrading the earth. This led to recent research where a team of scientists discovered a new porous material that can store greenhouse gases.

Scientists co-led by Heriot-Watt University developed a groundbreaking porous material capable of storing carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. They worked with prestigious institutions including the following:

  1. University of Liverpool
  2. Imperial College London
  3. University of Southampton
  4. East China University of Science and Technology.

The team used computer modeling to specifically predict the self-assembly of molecules into this material. Their research highlights the development of hollow cage-like molecules including significant greenhouse gas storage capacities. Carbon dioxide and sulfur hexafluoride that is a highly potent greenhouse gas with an extended atmospheric lifespan.

Dr Marc Little an Assistant Professor at Heriot-Watt University’s Institute of Chemical Sciences has co-led the research. These cage molecules were assembled using other cages, that helps in formation of an innovative porous material. According to the scientists, it is the first of its kind due to its porous cage structure.

new porous material that can store greenhouse gases
Pic Credits: Dr. Marc Little LinkedIn Page

Dr Marc Little said “This is an exciting discovery because we need new porous materials to help solve society’s biggest challenges, such as capturing and storing greenhouse gases. Combining computational studies like ours with new AI technologies could create an unprecedented supply of new materials to solve the most pressing societal challenges, and this study is an important step in this direction. We see this study as an important step towards unlocking such applications in the future.” 

Dr. Little mentioned that molecules with complex structures could be utilized to eliminate hazardous substances. Known as volatile organic compounds, they can be captured from the air while playing an important role in medical science.

Notable contributors include the following:

  • Professor Kim Jelfs from Imperial’s Department of Chemistry, the Institute for Digital Molecular Design and Fabrication (DigiFAB)
  • Professor Andrew Cooper from the University of Liverpool and Materials Innovation Factory. He leads the UK’s £12 million AI for Chemistry Hub aimed at promoting collaboration between chemistry and AI researchers.


These funding sources helped research team to conduct studies and make groundbreaking findings. This led to the development of this new porous material that can store greenhouse gases.

About Dr Marc Little

PhD holder in Chemistry from the University of Leeds and previously worked as a research associate at the University of Liverpool before joining Heriot-Watt last year. He published more than 50 research publications on porous materials.

Source: Scientists discover a new type of porous material that can store greenhouse gases


Elliot is a passionate environmentalist and blogger who has dedicated his life to spreading awareness about conservation, green energy, and renewable energy. With a background in environmental science, he has a deep understanding of the issues facing our planet and is committed to educating others on how they can make a difference.

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