With the technological boom, the number of battery-driven products is increasing in the market. The two most prominent types of batteries in the market are alkaline and lithium batteries. People often get confused between these two. So, let’s discuss alkaline battery vs lithium battery and decide which is better for your energy requirements from alkaline, lithium rechargeable AA batteries.

Alkaline Battery vs Lithium Battery-Which is Better?

Lithium batteries – These rechargeable batteries use reversible intercalation of Lithium ions into electronically conducting solids to store energy. They consist of single or multiple Li-ion cells and a protective circuit board.

Also known as Lithium-ion batteries, they are the most popular rechargeable battery chemistry in use today from mobile phones to EVs.

Alkaline batteries – These disposable batteries are made from zinc and manganese dioxide. The alkaline electrolyte uses either sodium hydroxide or potassium. They offer a steady voltage with better density and leakage resistance.


  • Alkaline batteries – 9 volts, AAA, AA, and Coin cell batteries
  • Lithium batteries – 14500, 16650, 18650, 32700, 36650, and 32650 

1. Voltage of Lithium vs Alkaline Battery

The nominal voltage of a Li-ion battery is 1.5V to 3.0 V, whereas, an alkaline battery is 1.5V per cell.

Lithium batteries also offer 3.2V or 3.6V per cell but can make up to 77V battery packs, or even higher. Li-ion batteries maintain their full voltage even when they are about to discharge.

Whereas, voltage output is reduced throughout the uses of alkaline batteries. Thus, providing better performance and efficiency than alkaline batteries.

2. Operating Temperature

In comparison to lithium batteries, alkaline batteries have a lower operating temperature range of -18° to 55° C but are recommended to discharge at 20±2° C. A lithium battery’s operating temperature ranges from +15 and +45ºC; going below or above this temperature will impact their performance.

Alkaline batteries perform very poorly in cold climates as low temperatures slow down the internal chemical reaction. Whereas, lithium batteries work best in chilly temperatures and thus they are pretty ideal for outdoor use.

3. Energy Holding Capacity

JAN23alkaline battery vs lithium battery

Lithium batteries have higher capacities around 120 mAH to 200 mAH but alkaline batteries have much less than these. The former provides power for a long period of time but the latter ends in a couple of months. Moreover, lithium batteries have has slower self-discharge rate than alkaline ones.

Read this to know about how many solar panels and batteries to power a house.

4. Weight

Often, alkaline batteries are bulky and thus aren’t appropriate for all types of equipment. On the other hand, lithium batteries weigh less than alkaline batteries and are way better for portable devices. The weight of a single AAA Lithium battery is about 33.3% lower than that of an AAA Alkaline battery counterpart.

Lithium batteries win over alkaline batteries in scenarios where lightweight is crucial. Medical devices like pacemakers also use lithium batteries because of their lightweight.

5. Rechargeable or Reusable

Primary alkaline, as well as lithium batteries, are non-rechargeable. If you attempt to recharge these primary batteries, they’ll explode. Alkaline and lithium batteries are also available as rechargeable secondary cells. Lithium batteries have a longer lifespan in comparison to the alkaline battery. Alkaline batteries have leakages and short circuits, they are more prone to the risk of overheating and explosions while recharging.

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6. Internal Resistance

A high internal resistance decreases a battery power output, causing a low voltage. Compared to lithium batteries, alkaline ones have a higher internal resistance and this impacts their voltage output. This is why lithium batteries are more frequently used in applications where there is a need for constant energy levels for longer durations. Whereas, alkaline batteries are used where sudden high voltages are required, for shorter periods.

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7. Price

Alkaline batteries are priced less because they are disposable. Lithium batteries may cost 5 times more than alkaline ones. However, they last longer than their counterparts. Thus, the latter is more cost-effective than the former one.

8. Lifespan and Lifecycle

Alkaline has 300 cycles whereas lithium batteries can last up to 10000 to 40000 cycles. In comparison, alkaline batteries have four times less lifespan than lithium batteries.

Typically, alkaline batteries can last for about 5–10 years when stored at room temperature. Whereas lithium batteries can last for about 5–15 years. Since alkaline batteries are not rechargeable, they do not have a set lifecycle.

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9. Method of Disposal

JAN23alkaline battery vs lithium battery

Alkaline Batteries – Non-rechargeable ones without mercury are not harmful for nature and can be easily disposed of as regular trash. The ones with potassium hydroxide should be disposed of carefully as they can be dangerous for living beings around them.

Lithium Batteries – When exposed to high temperatures, they start to degrade and emit toxins in the environment. Li-ion batteries are disposed of carefully as per the laws prescribed for them.

Alkaline vs Lithium Rechargeable Batteries: Which is Right for You?

Lithium batteries are mostly rechargeable with a good lifespan and operating temperature. They are used in various devices like cameras, radios, mobile phones, and more. Whereas, alkaline batteries are non-rechargeable but have a considerably long lifespan depending on the type of battery you take and the purpose it is used for. So, alkaline battery vs lithium battery, which is better for you depends on the purpose for which you are going to use the battery.

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Olivia is committed to green energy and works to help ensure our planet's long-term habitability. She takes part in environmental conservation by recycling and avoiding single-use plastic.

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