Over the years, KAUST has been working towards increasing the efficiency and stability of perovskite silicon solar cells. Recently 33.7% efficient perovskite silicon tandem solar cell details revealed by KAUST present a new achievement by the team.

King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), Saudi Arabia recently published a new scientific paper highlighting the details regarding 33.7% efficient perovskite solar cells. The researchers developed these highly efficient perovskite silicon tandem solar cells in May 2023. The report mentions that the device is based on a perovskite additive tetrahydrotriazinium. This is reportedly known to increase phase stability of the perovskite film under light and heat conditions.

As per the research report, the new cell’s architecture was based on a previously developed tandem device that attained 32.5% efficiency in 2023. Researchers emphasized that before commercialization of tetrahydrotriazinium in manufacturing perovskite silicon tandem cells, industrial cooperation for laboratory-scale findings is necessary.

About 33.7% Efficient Perovskite Silicon Tandem Cells

The device had an area of 1 cm2 and the top perovskite cell is based on a p-i-n design. The device achieved the following levels:

  • Open-circuit voltage – 1.985 V
  • Short circuit density – 21.02 mA cm2
  • Fill Factor – 81.6%

Moreover, European Solar Test Installation (ESTI) certified the 33.7% efficient cells.

Reference Device Without Tetrahydrotriazinium Treatment

This device achieved power conversion efficiency of 32.8% along with the following levels.

  • Open-circuit voltage – 1.949 V
  • Short-circuit density – 20.96 mA cm2
  • Fill factor – 80.5%

Earlier KAUST achieves 21.5% efficient perovskite cells with self-assembled organic transport layer.

KAUST Reveals 33.7% Efficient and Stable Perovskite Silicon Tandem Solar Cells: Highlights

  • Enhanced stability was observed in the treated device after 1500 hours in comparison to other devices without tetrahydrotriazinium.
  • Around 82% of initial performance efficiency was retained by the non-encapsulated target perovskite silicon tandem device.
  • The device retained its efficiency after 300 minutes of MPP tracking under 1-sun illumination. and ambient air at 75° C.
  • The control device reached around 80% of its initial performance efficiency within 120 minutes under the same conditions.
  • Researchers stated that now their main focus is on addressing the remaining challenges and enhancing the stability.

Source: Enhanced cation interaction in perovskites for efficient tandem solar cells with silicon


Elliot is a passionate environmentalist and blogger who has dedicated his life to spreading awareness about conservation, green energy, and renewable energy. With a background in environmental science, he has a deep understanding of the issues facing our planet and is committed to educating others on how they can make a difference.

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