The conversion of DC to AC done by inverters enables us to effectively use sustainable solar energy. These devices are essential parts of a power system, yet they occasionally experience problems. Let’s read this article to know about some common solar inverter failure causes and their solutions.

Top 6 Solar Inverter Failure Causes

Solar energy has become a dazzling symbol of optimism in the search for renewable sources of energy. When using solar photons to generate energy, solar inverters are crucial. Solar inverters do face difficulties, though, and their irregular malfunctions might put doubt on the flawless energy generation we foresee. It is necessary to understand the solar inverter failure symptoms in order to strengthen the proper working of solar inverters. Here, we seek to find the solar inverter failure causes and the possible solutions for their proper working.

1. Ultrasonic Vibrations

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Friction caused by ultrasonic vibrations coming from the inductive component cores makes the device hotter than necessary and further ruins inverter parts. Over time, electrical connections are prone to deteriorate or break. An inverter repair manager could be tempted to dismiss these wear-and-tear indicators if the inverter is still functional.

Possible Solutions:

As with any electrical device, maintenance is essential and cannot be disregarded. To increase inverter efficiency, at least once every six months, the inverter linkages, fuses, and battery case connectors are to be cleaned.

When choosing a protective coating, remove grease-based coatings since they continue to draw contaminants like dust, causing the connections to deteriorate more quickly and hiding the deterioration from subsequent visual checks. Cleaning needs to be done correctly or it could wind up doing more damage than benefit. A brush wire and a grease-dissolving chemical should ideally be used.

2. Overheating

Proper spacing between inverters is important and ventilation is crucial. Failure to comply with manufacturer specifications will void the warranty and may lead to some accidents.

Overheating is thus considered as one of the common solar inverter failure symptoms. If the temperature gets too high, it can reduce output and even stop production. Inverters are sensitive to temperature because of their electronic makeup.

Possible Solutions: The suggested cooling system must therefore be evaluated to see if it is adequate and has enough capacity right away at the design stage. It is extremely recommended to inspect the cooling system during the period of operation to ensure that the cooling or ventilation mechanism is truly working properly.

3. Grid Fault


Your solar inverter will shut down if there is a power outage or grid error to prevent harm. However, it doesn’t usually. This is one of the solar inverter failure causes that occur in systems that are connected to the grid.

Possible Solutions: Ensure that the grid-tie inverters you choose are of superior quality and have the capability to shield themselves from harm caused by electric breakdowns.

If interested, take a glance at the 13 Best Grid Tie Inverter with Battery Backup.

4. Capacitor Wear

A capacitor stores charges in a circuit by increasing the capacitance when a grounded conductor is nearby. Capacitors are sensitive to temperature and their durability can be affected by high temperatures. However, when used at lower temperatures, the lifespan of the capacitor decreases because the electrolytes evaporate faster at higher temperatures.

Low temperature raises the internal resistance of the capacitor, causing it to heat up when current passes through it. The energy lost in heating the capacitor depends on the square of the current and the resistance. This also leads to higher ripple voltage and decreased power quality, possibly resulting in the inverter going offline.

Film capacitors are not affected by the same issue as other capacitors. However, high-voltage spikes can cause breakdown of the dielectric material, leading to a short circuit. Film capacitors are more expensive and require more space.

Possible Solutions: The majority of issues that failed capacitors might cause can be avoided by maintaining a regular maintenance routine and routinely replacing capacitors.

5. Over and Under Voltage

The device’s components, most frequently an inverter bridge, may be harmed if either current or voltage rises to a level that the inverter is not designed for. The damage can occasionally be brought on by the extra heat that the voltage or current surge produces.

Possible Solutions: Fuse or circuit breakers can stop over-current; however it can be challenging to stop over-voltage.

Also See: Sungrow Inverter Problems, Fault Codes, and Solutions

6. Solar Inverter Short Circuit Problems

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Short-circuiting often occurs when a variety of factors combine, such as:

  • Moisture and damage to the cable insulation
  • Improper installation
  • Inadequate connection of DC cables to the panel
  • Moisture affecting the PV module connections

This issue is more prevalent in areas with high humidity or nearness to the sea. Another common issue occurring due to short circuit is the isolation fault. It happens when different parts of the circuit are short-circuited, and the inverter will indicate an isolation alarm.

Isolation Fault

It is important to address short-circuiting and isolation faults promptly to ensure the safe and efficient operation of the PV system. If there is an isolation issue, the solar inverter may stop working or work at a minimum level.

Possible Solution: Additionally, implementing proper grounding techniques and adhering to industry standards can greatly reduce the occurrence of these faults. To avoid this, high-quality DC cables and proper installation are crucial. Additionally, selecting the correct level of protection (IP) for the inverter cabinet and building is important. Regular maintenance and inspections can help identify and rectify any potential issues before they escalate.

Cross Reference: infiniRel Corporation – While pricing looked better, performance got worse

Other Minor Reasons that Could Lead to Solar Inverter Short Circuit

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Inverter issues can range from those that are fairly straightforward to those that are extremely difficult to fix. One of the most frequent reasons for solar inverter failure is humidity. The easiest approach to keep your inverter safe from humidity damage is to store it in a cold, dry space.

Solar inverters need to be maintained on a regular basis, just like any other electronic device. An improperly ventilated inverter runs the risk of overheating and failing. Make sure there is enough room around your inverter and that nothing is obstructing the vents.

Cross-Reference: The Effect of Inverter Failures on the Return on Investment of Solar Photovoltaic Systems

A. Uncharged Battery

If your battery is not being charged properly then it might be an indication that there might be some short circuit condition in your inverter. Burnt rectifiers, burned fuses, and a loose battery connection are a few potential reasons for this. It might be possible, on the other hand, that your battery is dead.

Possible Solutions: You should examine the battery terminals for rust. Though the inspection of a battery might be a bit riskier, we suggest you hire a professional for this one case. Your well-being is more important.

B. Continuous Alarm-Beeping or Abnormal Noises

The overload on your inverter or the stuck cooling fan could possibly be the reason for the non-stop beeping of the inverter’s alarm.

Possible Solutions: In the event of an overload, disconnect all further loads. You might need to take the inverter to the service center or seek assistance from an expert if the issue still persists. Proper maintenance of your inverter can avoid the causes of solar inverter failure.

For a better understanding, take a look at the Solar Panel Inverter Humming Noise Causes and Solutions.

C. Inverter Doesn’t Get Turn-On

One of the most typical inverter issues is the inverter not turning on. The possible causes are:

  • The inverter being tripped,
  • The battery getting disconnected,
  • The battery terminals being loose,
  • The battery being weak,
  • The battery being depleted,
  • The battery terminals are reversible, etc.

Possible Solutions: You might need to click the trip reset switch on the device to reset the inverter if it has tripped. Replace the battery if it is defective. It is advisable to charge your battery for a longer duration of hours if it has become weak. If it is outdated, it is best to replace it completely.

If you are using a Growatt inverter, you can check out how to reset Growatt inverter.

D. No Sunlight

It’s also possible that your solar inverter ceased functioning as a result of inadequate current input from the panels. Your solar panels will produce less power on cloudy days, which could lead the inverter to shut down and appear to be broken.

Possible Solutions: The panels require direct sunshine exposure in order to generate electricity. You must know how much electricity your solar panels are generating. Your solar panels will typically produce less power on cloudy days; if that’s the case, don’t worry, it is quite normal.

E. Error Codes

The LCD screens of many solar inverters provide error messages. When an error code appears on the screen, there is a problem with the inverter.

Possible Solutions: Understanding the implications of the solar inverter error code will enable you to determine what is wrong and take appropriate action to resolve it.

To get a complete idea of the inverter fault codes, go through the 32 Troubleshooting Solar Inverter Problems and Solutions.

So, we have covered the solar inverter short circuit problem and its symptoms, along with the inverter failure causes. It might help you to know the problem better, and then you can take decisive steps. However, let’s look at the other minor reasons that could cause short-circuit conditions.

We have now understood the reasons for the malfunctioning of solar inverters along with the symptoms it shows. You must address any potential difficulties as soon as possible and, if necessary, seek expert assistance. To access more inverter subjects, click here.


Olivia is committed to green energy and works to help ensure our planet's long-term habitability. She takes part in environmental conservation by recycling and avoiding single-use plastic.

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