The research team led by professors Vapaavuori and Lokki found a way to produce sustainable thermal and sound proofing solution from bio-waste. They discovered that pectin from bio-waste can be extracted to form a porous material that will outperform commercially available materials with similar thickness, providing thermal and sound insulation.

Bio waste can reduce sound pollution and provide insulation, surprised? Researchers from Aalto University have discovered a way to get rid of it productively.

They are using it to provide thermal and sound insulation. Sound pollution is also a major source of pollution disturbing our health and environment.

To reduce sound absorption materials, they need to be used effectively. Researchers found that Pectin, which is a polysaccharide, can be extracted from fruit peels. This can then be converted into a freeze-dried highly porous material.

Researchers believe this material can outperform commercial sound absorption materials like glass, wool, and other porous materials with similar thickness.

Professor Jaana Vapaavuori from the School of Chemical Engineering said, “The porous material prepared in this work demonstrate the great potential of freeze-casted bio-based sound absorption materials to be employed as an alternative material in industrialization and construction, where environmental-friendly materials are needed. They also display low thermal conductivity and excellent thermal insulation performance.”

Prof. Vapaavuori further added, “Now the work continues into an exploration of how raw material could be sourced directly from a local biowaste. We have been negotiating with a local K-market for waste exchange and a chance to collect the orange peels from their juice pressing machine.”

There is a hierarchically porous material in the small pores in bigger walls. This specific structure could possibly increase tortuosity of the material, and this will further increase sound absorption, especially at high frequencies. Tortuosity means the path that sound travels inside the material.

Professor Tapio Lokki from the School of Electrical Engineering said, “The material has a structural hierarchy consisting of pores of different dimensions and scales. This type of structuring allowed optimizing the sound absorption performance of the material—the sound can penetrate deep into the material, and thus, the viscous and thermal losses in the materials are enhanced.”

Through this sustainable thermal and sound proofing solution, researchers are utilizing the already produced huge amounts of bio waste. The research team is looking forward to opportunities to use locally produced bio waste for other possible uses.

What is bio-waste?

It is defined as biodegradable and garden waste, including kitchen, parks, retail premises, caterers, waste from food processing plants and households.

Everyday huge amounts of bio-waste are accumulated throughout the world and with optimal management this waste can reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Otherwise, this waste can be a source of emission if not treated properly.

Do you know?

An average American creates around 4.5 pounds of trash per day and an average American family creates 6,570 pounds of trash per year.



Elliot is a passionate environmentalist and blogger who has dedicated his life to spreading awareness about conservation, green energy, and renewable energy. With a background in environmental science, he has a deep understanding of the issues facing our planet and is committed to educating others on how they can make a difference.

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