There are plenty of sustainable energies around you but solar energy in particular is the most popular one. It holds the potential to power your home throughout the year. Although this renewable energy is so much in use, there are still many solar energy myths around you. In this blog, we’ll discuss the top 10 solar energy myths and see these solar power myths busted.

Top 10 Solar Energy Myths

The demand for solar energy has been quite on the rise and so are the myths surrounding it. These are the top 10 solar energy myths in the market-

Myth 1: Solar Panels Do Not Work in Snowy or Cloudy Weather

JAN23 Top 10 Solar Energy MythsThis is a very common solar energy myth and in fact, about 40% of homeowners are of the belief that solar panels do not work in snowy or cloudy weather. However, solar panels do work in sunny, cloudy, and even cold environments.

Solar panel technologies help them work efficiently and effectively. They work more effectively in cooler temperatures than in warmer ones. Additionally, cloudy weather does not hinder the efficiency of solar panels. That is why these panels can be a useful source of electricity. Even on cold and sunny winter days, solar panels generate an equivalent amount of electricity to what you would get from hot summer days. Such systems are efficient in countries like Italy, China, Uk, Germany, etc. Now that you have dealt with the 1st myth among the top 10 solar energy myths, let’s see how the other solar power myths busted.

Myth 2: Solar Panels Will Work During a Blackout

If you only depend on solar panels, you will not have power during a total blackout. It’s because your panels need to be connected to a power utility grid near your house. However, you can have power during a blackout if your solar panels have a solar battery backup.

If you don’t have solar battery backup, you’ll need to connect to the grid so that your utility company provides power to your home during the night. Even for a customer who has a solar battery, being connected to the grid has its pros. Therefore, having solar panels alone during a blackout won’t help you in any way.

Myth 3: Solar Energy is Expensive and Not Too Feasible

Generally, in the past 2 decades, investments in solar panels have been on the rise and thus panels are also increasingly becoming economical. On a global level, producing electricity from solar energy is cheaper than producing it from coal.

Myth 4: Solar Panels Will Increase the Cost of Electricity for Others

This is one of the major solar panel myths. Some folks are concerned that solar energy can increase the cost of electricity whereas some are afraid that increased use of alternative energy will dip the demand for fossil fuel energy and therefore make it more expensive.

Firstly, no matter what, the price of fossil fuels will skyrocket in the future. Fossil fuel energy is based on non-renewable resources and they are coming scarce with time. Thus using renewable energy sources like solar energy is the only way to keep your power affordable in the future.

Myth 5: Solar Panel Prices are Based on the Size of Your Home

JAN23 Top 10 Solar Energy MythsSolar panels are designed specifically to meet the needs of individual homeowners. To determine the cost of installing solar panels, precise attention is paid to the slope and orientation of your home’s roof. Additionally, the surrounding area of the roof is also examined when building to make sure it is positioned in an area that is not obstructed by surrounding trees or buildings and has easy access to sunlight.

Also Read: 6 Best Roof Material For Solar Panels

Myth 6: Solar Panels Aren’t Efficient Enough

This is one of the major solar panel myths and always confuses people who are trying to shift toward solar energy. Some people hear that solar panels have an efficiency rating of about 22% and question why it isn’t 100%. The whole amount of sunlight isn’t converted into electricity, some of it is reflected off the panel or turned into heat instead of electricity.

Solar cell materials aren’t able to absorb all types of light constituting sunlight, like infrared light. Some solar cells have an efficiency rate of about 39% but they are quite expensive for home solar panels.

Practically, the sun produces a huge amount of energy. You will be fascinated to know that the amount of sunlight that radiates on the earth in just one and a half hours has more power than the world can consume in 1 entire year. With this enormous supply of energy, commercially available solar panels provide more than enough power to meet your home’s needs, and that too at a cost at or below electricity provided by the grid in most parts of the country.

Solar technology is improving as well as advancing every year and if you wait for these continued advancements, you’ll miss out on a lot of today’s plethora of solar tax credits and incentives. All these programs come with expiration dates.

Also See: What is Half Cell Solar Panel?

Myth 7: If You Can Use Clean Coal, Why Invest in Solar Energy?

Compared to clean coal, solar power is a cleaner form of energy. This is because coal isn’t practically clean it is one of the dirtiest fossil fuels. Coal mining is accountable for numerous health issues due to the blasting of mountaintops and leaving a pond of black slurry in its path. The more coal you burn, the more damage you cause to the environment as it increases the levels of smog and mercury. Additionally, it increases carbon pollution which further leads to more damaging effects on the environment.

Myth 8: Solar Panels are Bad for the Environment After their Lifetime is Up

Mostly, solar panels have a maximum lifespan of about 25 years, after this time the panels can be recycled. All of this depends on the manufacturer you used to install your solar panels. However, it’s a bit tricky to find out if solar panels can be recycled as they are still working optimally. Some manufacturers will recycle your solar panels free of any charge.

Myth 9: Solar Panels are Loud

This is a major solar energy myth among the top 10 solar energy myths. It is a myth that solar panels are loud, they aren’t, at all! While they are producing solar energy and transferring the energy throughout your home, the panels make zero noise. Even with a solar battery backup, the switch to battery back is whisper quiet. It is opposite to the noisy generators.

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Myth 10: You Don’t Own Your House, So You Can’t Go Solar

Even if you live in a rented house or apartment building, there are still community solar programs that enable you to take advantage of solar energy. Such programs allow multiple people to benefit from a shared, single solar array. These arrays can be installed off-site or in your building. The installation, as well as purchasing costs of the solar energy system, can also be divided among the participants. This way everyone can buy into the shared system at a level according to their budget. With this, we have explored the top 10 solar energy myths and also saw these solar power myths busted. Now let’s also explore some myths about solar panel installation.

3 Myths About Solar Panel Installation

JAN23 Top 10 Solar Energy MythsThese are a few myths about solar panel installation that bug potential buyers or customers-

Myth 1: Installing Solar is Relatively Complicated and Requires a Lot of Maintenance

This is one of the biggest myths about solar panel installation because the process of installing solar panels is quite straightforward as long as you are using a reputable manufacturer. If your solar system is tied to your utility grid (which is quite common among electricity systems), it makes maintaining solar panels easier. To clean solar panels, you’ll just need water to remove all the dust or snow, or debris accumulated on the panel.

Solar panels are constructed in a way that allows them to endure harsh weather conditions, like sleet, hail, etc. In case you have a battery-based system, it’ll need more cleaning than one without, however, systems without batteries are most common and are quite compared to the systems that have batteries.

Myth 2: Solar Panels Will Cause Damage to Your Roof

This is one of the most absurd myths about solar panel installation and is wrong. Starkly different from this myth, solar panels benefit the portion of the roof they cover by preserving and protecting it. In case the roof where your panel is sitting is damaged and needs repair, the panel can be easily removed since it isn’t directly attached to the roof; it’s just mounted on top of the roof.

Usually, if there are any gaps between the panels and the rooftops, sealants are used to fill in the gaps. Additionally, the mounts are protected using coverings or metal flashing for an extra barrier for protection. Always make sure your roofs are damage-free before mounting any new rooftops.

Also Read: 5 Rooftop Solar Panels Benefits

Myth 3: Adding Solar Panels to Your House Will Affect Its Rental and Resale Value

Another one of the major solar panel myths is that the panels will lower the value of your home. Any home upgrade increases the value of your home, and adding solar panels to your house affects its resale value but in a positive sense. So, the idea that adding solar will lower the value of your home is a myth.

The resale value of your home differs depending on the size of your system installed, the type of home you have, and what area you live in.

When it comes to putting a house on the market, homes with solar panels installed are a great selling point. There are few pieces of research that back up this claim.

The Department of Energy and Berkeley Laboratory conducted a study in 2015 on 4000 homes with solar panels. It was conducted in 8 different states. It found out that home buyers are willing to pay an extra of about $12,000 to $15,000 for a home with an average size solar array installed. Homes with a larger array may even get you more value.

On average, solar panels add about $20 of value for every $1 you save on your electric bill. So, if you saved around $200 a month on your electric bill with solar panels, you’ll have an additional value of about $4,000 added to your home.

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Olivia is committed to green energy and works to help ensure our planet's long-term habitability. She takes part in environmental conservation by recycling and avoiding single-use plastic.

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