Uber Technologies announced that it will deploy electric vehicles (EVs) for ride-sharing in India, marking the company’s first step towards adopting clean automobiles as the Indian government pushes for increased electrification of public transportation. During the next three years, Uber will deploy 25000 EVs as part of a drive towards cleaner vehicles in India.

The EVs will be purchased by Uber’s fleet partners via, India’s largest electric vehicle manufacturer Tata Motors. Uber is planning to up its rivalry with BluSmart, an electric mobility start-up that has gained the lead in India’s electric taxi industry.

Uber India will play a significant role in advancing the (EV) ecosystem. Uber India’s President, Prabhjeet Singh, stated that numerous things must come together for electric ride-hailing to take off. Automakers must produce inexpensive vehicles with extensive ranges, the financial environment must evolve, and charging infrastructure must be widely available.

Uber India announced in a tweet, “We’re supercharged to announce our partnership with @tatamotorsev today to bring 25,000 XPRES-T EVs on our platform – the largest EV partnership yet between an automaker and a ride-sharing platform in India!”

Uber India tweet

The ride-hailing company, which is sponsored by Softbank Group, is in “active” negotiations with other carmakers, charging firms, fleet operators, and financiers about its EV push. Even with 25,000 EVs, Uber’s current active fleet of 300,000 cars in India will be a fraction of the total.

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As Uber will deploy 25000 EVs as part of a drive towards cleaner vehicles in India, it will bring a massive change in the cab industry for the country. Uber has established a target of 100% zero-emission automobiles, public transportation, or micro-mobility rides by 2040, including in India. The federal and state governments of India are also pushing for more electrification of shared cabs shortly as part of India’s overarching objective of green conversion.

Source: Deccan Herald


Elliot is a passionate environmentalist and blogger who has dedicated his life to spreading awareness about conservation, green energy, and renewable energy. With a background in environmental science, he has a deep understanding of the issues facing our planet and is committed to educating others on how they can make a difference.

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